Donate Your Computer’s Unused Power
Recently noticed one Innovative idea sponsored by INTEL .
The Link shows that you can donate your computer’s unused power for various vital scientific research which only require a computer.
How It Works
Whether at work, home, or the neighbourhood coffee shop, Progress Thru Processors uses your computer’s spare processing power to help research scientists around the globe. These resources combine to create a virtual supercomputer, which helps us get closer to understanding and finding cures for tragic diseases.
It’s great knowing that, while you are cruising Facebook or playing a game, your computer is contributing to life-saving research. The program is designed to only use the processing power that would otherwise go unused, so the performance of your computer isn’t negatively affected.
The concept is named under Volunteer computing ( an arrangement in which people volunteers provide computing resources to public interest research projects) as Progress Thru Processors.
How to Join
The more computers that run Progress Thru Processors, the more good that can be done. For joining the Program follow step ::
1. Go to Facebook page Progress Thru Processors
2. Sign-up
3. Download the app
You’ll be up and running in just a couple minutes, ready to make everyday meaningful.
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